Rupayan Shelford, Level-11, Shaymoli, Dhaka-1207.
+88 01777 337711 , +88 01856 449900

Satellite TV


For Satellite TV Broadcasting

  • In Satellite TV broadcasting, the main concern is system should be strong and secure.
  • NSTV CAS is very strong and with high security.
  • NSTV CAS is widely supported by many satellite receiver and CAM suppliers.
  • NSTV CAS had already been authorized by many CP such as CCTV, HBO, WB, FOX, Discovery, ESPN, SONY, STAR, ZEE…..
Diagram Of  Satellite

Satellite TV

Contents Providers (CP) can use satellite (DVB-S or DVB-S2) to transmit his contents (channels) to different local operators. During the transferring:

  1. CP should use CAS + Satellite Receiver to protect his contents, only the authorized operator can get the permission to use CP contents in his local network.
  2. CP could use CAS to get the related contents revenues from local operators.
  3. CP could use CAS to calculate and count how many local operators are using his contents.